We are a Group that, since the first company was founded in 1949, has developed innovative precision technology solutions to improve peoples' lives all over the world and we do so with the utmost respect for the environment and human values.
We want your life to move well

assembled components

Electrical contacts

Manufactured in the following plants:
M.S.Ambrogio Cisano Bergamasco
M.S.Ambrogio Do Brasil
M.S.Ambrogio North America


Manufactured in the following plants:
Springfix GmBH
Springfix Hungary


Manufactured in the following plants:
Springfix GmBH
Springfix Hungary



Manufactured in the following plants:
M.S.Ambrogio Cisano Bergamasco
M.S.Ambrogio Do Brasil
Mollificio Fede
M.S.Ambrogio North America


Manufactured in the following plants:
M.S.Ambrogio Chignolo d'Isola


Manufactured in the following plants:
M.S.Ambrogio Cisano Bergamasco
Mollificio Fede


Manufactured in the following plants:
M.S.Ambrogio Cisano Bergamasco
Mollificio Fede


Manufactured in the following plants:
M.S.Ambrogio Cisano Bergamasco
Mollificio Fede

Our history


Aurelio Sangalli, his Father Mario and his brother-in-law Luigi Meda founded FIMIL (Fabbrica Italiana Molle in Laminato) and began producing springs and small metal parts in a little house on Via Cellini in Lecco.
As the business gradually grew, a bigger workshop was needed. Production was moved to a larger and better organised facility in Via Marsala, Lecco, and the company changed its name to Sangalli e Meda snc. During this period, production and the model range were expanded, with capacity increasing to 500,000 items per day; some sectors grew significantly, particularly the automotive sector
It became increasingly clear that the company needed to be restructured. Land was purchased on Via Valsugana in the Sant'Ambrogio area of Lecco and the new production facility was constructed. At this time the name of the company changed to Mollificio Sant'Ambrogio. The first Bihler machine was purchased.
Acquisition of a company in Abbadìa (near Lecco) named Mollificio d’Abbadia, a manufacturer of compression and extension springs, and small metal parts.
The first welded contacts were produced with Bihler technology.
The company began automated production with the purchase of 5 Bihler welding units
Mollificio Sant’Ambrogio established itself as one of the leading manufacturing companies in the country and the business strategy began to turn towards foreign markets as well. In the 1980s, representative offices opened in Spain and France and business relationships with foreign customers were established.
New land was purchased in Cisano Bergamasco (near Bergamo)
The second generation of the Sangalli family joined the company
Aurelio Sangalli took over Springfix Gmbh, a well-established German company in the automotive industry, paying the symbolic sum of two German pfennigs.
The current headquarters was built, bringing together the production of the Valsugana and Abbadìa sites.
Luigi Meda left the corporate structure and the company remained under the ownership of the Sangalli family.
Incorporation M.S.Ambrogio do Brasil
Acquisition of Clamar, today fully integrated into M.S.Ambrogio, and known as the Chignolo d’Isola production plant
Acquisition of Aldeghi, a company specialising in the construction of moulds, tooling and high-precision mechanical parts
Mollificio Fede, a company producing extension, torsion, double-torsion and compression springs and special springs, joined the Group
Incorporation of Springfix Hungary Kft
The third generation of the Sangalli family joined the Group
Mario Sangalli succeeded his father as President of Mollificio Sant'Ambrogio. Over the years the company had greatly diversified its range of products, and springs no longer represented the major output of the Cisano Bergamasco manufacturing site. For this reason, the company name was changed to M.S.Ambrogio, maintaining continuity with the past, where M and S refer to the initials of the two founders.
Acquisition of a production plant in Auburn, then named M.S.A. North America.

Acquisition of Rapitech, a company producing metal parts for quick assembly.
First Corporate Steering Committee in Italy.
Expansion of production plants in M.S.Ambrogio do Brasil (extra 3,500 sqm) and Springfix Hungary (extra 1,550 sqm)
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